
Partnerships are key

For safe and successful work in communities,
Big hART chooses it’s partners carefully and
values them highly, in a spirit of reciprocity.

Big hART is often invited into a community by a partner, and then brokers other high-value partnerships to help create a legacy at the conclusion of the project.

Big hART brings a set of skills and areas of expertise in transformative community development and design – creating content, event management, mentoring and a range of other capabilities.

Big hART recognises that often the most valuable partners may not be the best resourced, the highest profile, nor the most on trend. Partnerships can be formed with financial partners, organisations with infrastructure, peers in the field, or those whose only asset is the gift that their untold story and how it may contribute to the national narrative.

If you would like to know more about partnering with Big hART, we are always interested to hear from you.


For more information

Contact: Lucy Harrison | Partnerships Manager |

For full funder lists and partnership details, please visit individual project websites.